
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2018

Unit 9 Motivation

Motivation is the engine what makes us want to do something when it comes to learning a language, motivation plays an important role in the process. But, is motivation enough to make students learn English or any new language? Nowadays, most students are irresponsible; they don’t attend to classes, nor practice what they have learned at school (Mendler, 2000). I learned that there are some factors influencing students’ motivation. Firstly, there will be people who want to learn a language to get a new job or to apply to higher education programs. Secondly, the previous interest in the target language culture can also make a person interested in learning, whether to read books or to watch movies in that language. As a teacher, I would motivate my students creating good rapport in order to engage them in the learning process. Many teachers have different intentions when it comes to motivating students; some of them really want students to learn the language, and others jus

Unit 8 Speaking

The last skill to be checked is speaking . According to Abd, S. (2006) speaking is defined as a process in which the students will express their ideas in an oral , coherent , fluent and appropriate way within a context . While we speak , we usually pronounce words , answer questions, use different intonation , greet people, etc. Those entire things are done without previous planning. As the other skills, speaking also involves several subskills: ·          Making use of functions . ·          Using features of connected speech . ·          Developing oral fluency . ·          Use of body language . When we speak, a certain level of formality and informality is also used. This helps us to keep the pace in order to express an accurate message. Even if this skill is developed in an oral way, we still use different types of texts to participate in conversations, giving presentations , telling stories , etc. We do all these things by keeping up with the next patter

Unit 7: Listening

Listening , in similitude to reading, is a receptive skill because you receive the information from a recording , a song, a movie, etc. According to Usó, E & Martinez, A. (2008) “of the four skills , listening is the one that has historically been the most neglected and misrepresented in the second language ( L2 ) classrooms, and hence, has been the skill which has been the least well taught”. There are some differences between written language (what we read) and the spoken language (what we listen to). In written language, the information does not disappear after being checked, in contrast to spoken language, where the information disappears as soon as it is spoken. While spoken language indicates the meaning of sentences or group of words through stress and intonation , written language uses punctuation and capitalization . Listening also contains utterances (incomplete sentences) and we make sense of them using our knowledge of the world. It is the duty of the tea

Unit 6: Writing

Writing is one of the productive skills . It is a process in which you transmit your thoughts and ideas through a written text. According to Pontecorvo (1997), many people have a misconception about it because they think that it is only the representation of speech and that is only related to education. Even if we don’t write an essay or a composition, we are still producing written texts at the moment of making a grocery list, or by giving someone an address in a piece of paper; all of these are called text types. I learned that each type of text has its own characteristics: the use of appropriate words ( formality ), the different options to organize the information ( layouts ). The levels of register and grammar complexity depend on the receptor of the written text. A good piece of writing also needs to have accuracy in it (using the correct forms of language). Accuracy also involves the following subskills of writing: spelling correctly , forming letters correctly, w