Unit 7: Listening

Listening, in similitude to reading, is a receptive skill because you receive the information from a recording, a song, a movie, etc. According to Usó, E & Martinez, A. (2008) “of the four skills, listening is the one that has historically been the most neglected and misrepresented in the second language (L2) classrooms, and hence, has been the skill which has been the least well taught”.
There are some differences between written language (what we read) and the spoken language (what we listen to). In written language, the information does not disappear after being checked, in contrast to spoken language, where the information disappears as soon as it is spoken. While spoken language indicates the meaning of sentences or group of words through stress and intonation, written language uses punctuation and capitalization. Listening also contains utterances (incomplete sentences) and we make sense of them using our knowledge of the world.
It is the duty of the teacher to help students develop strategies which enable them to become more independent as learners (Usó. & Martinez., 2008). Every person has their own way of listening to information. There are subskills that can be applied in the listening process such as listening for gist (global understanding), listen for specific information or details, and listen to infer the speaker’s attitude.
In order to apply listening exercises in my class, I will use songs’ worksheets because they are easy to use and students really like them.
Usó-Juan, E., & Martínez-Flor, A. (Eds.). (2008). Current trends in the development and teaching of the four language skills: current trends in the development and teaching of the four language skills. Retrieved from ProQuest Ebook Central: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uta-ebooks/reader.action?ppg=129&docID=325630&tm=1524149553816

Learn English with EnglishClass101.com . (2014, December 14th) Learn English with Songs - Perfect Tense - Lyric Lab [Video file] Retrieved from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-JUNYwstpo


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