Unit 4: Functions

A function is a reason why humans communicate. It does not matter if we communicate with a friend, a relative, a teacher, or anyone in the world; we do it for a reason. Like other living creatures human beings interconnect with each other (Finnegan, 2004). I learned that the language we use in order to express a function is called an exponent. These are a few examples of a function and its exponents:
Function: making a suggestion
Exponent: “We can go to the park tomorrow”
Function: Asking for clarification
Exponent: “Sorry, could you repeat that please?”
The different exponents demonstrate different levels of formality according to the function they are fulfilling. Formal language is commonly used in situations where people are getting to know each other for the first time. In contrast, informal language is used when people already know each other and has developed a certain level of trust between them. They usually use colloquial functions and don’t pay attention to spoken mistakes. There are also neutral functions which can be used as a balance between formal and informal situations.
The level of formality is chosen considering whether if it is appropriate, or inappropriate. For example, you are not going to greet your new boss on your first day at job by saying: “Hey man, whats up?”.   This is an example of an informal register, and its counterpart (formal register) would be: “Good afternoon Mr. How are you?
In teaching situations, I would apply functions and its different exponents by making students participate in daily situations they face at home with family or at school with friends.
Finnegan, R. (2004) Communicating humans . . . But what does that mean?In: Barrett, S., Komaromy, C., & Robb, M. (Eds.). (2003). Communication, relationships, and care: a reader Retrieved from ProQuest Ebook Central: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uta-ebooks/reader.action?ppg=18&docID=182705&tm=1524136343512

Help Teaching. (2015, October 20th) Formal vs Informal Language [Video file] Retrieved from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LmhIu3phqk


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