Unit 1: Grammar

According to Broccias (2014), “grammar concerns itself with both the shape of words and how words (and phrases) can be combined together.” In Unit 1 of the TKT course book, I discovered that grammar obtains meaning through the combination and change of words, parts of words, or even groups of words. Many people cannot stand grammar, but they use it unconsciously at the moment of speaking.
In my personal opinion, the most important part of this unit is the study of grammatical forms. They are related to the way in which words appear when we produce the language. Grammatical forms can be found in words that contain prefixes and suffixes, grammatical structures or parts of speech.  Parts of speech are divided into nine parts: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, determiners, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions and exclamations.
Grammar should not be taught explicitly, it should be taught in a way in which we can keep our students on their toes (Schmidt, 2017). For instance, instead of having a verb tense as the main topic of the class, I will choose a song that contains the tense, and as students enjoy those activities, they will learn about it faster and with better results.
To conclude, grammar has a wide range of appliance and study. Even if people don’t like grammar, they will always use it, whether while singing a song or participating in a simple conversation. If a teacher finds the correct strategy to apply grammar in a class, both they and their students will obtain excellent outcomes. 

Broccias, C. (2006). Cognitive linguistic theories of grammar and grammar teaching. In: De Knop, Sabine and Teun De Rycker (eds.). Cognitive Approaches to Pedagogical Grammar. 67-9.    Retrieved from ProQuest EBook Central: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uta-ebooks/reader.action?ppg=77&docID=364662&tm=1524112717216

Schmidt, A. (2017). What is More Effective: Explicit or Implicit Grammar Instruction? Retrieved from ELT Research Bites: http://www.eltresearchbites.com/201705-what-is-more-effective-explicit-or-implicit-grammar-instruction/

Eldaly, E. (2015, October 20th). How to Teach Grammar Effectively [Video file]. Retrieved from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAbGCV2oBPk


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