Unit 5: Reading

Reading is a receptive skill in which we don’t produce any language at all. The main objective of reading is to perceive the meaning of written text and analyze it for different purposes. Jons (2016) said that if you want to be a successful reader, you have to determine, decide, and deduce.
One of the things I have learned from this unit is that discourse is connected by three important parts: grammar, vocabulary, and our knowledge of the world. A well-written text for reading must have two important features: a good usage of the grammatical structures (cohesion), and a good connection between ideas (coherent). In order to have better results while reading, we can use the different subskills that reading has. If you need to get the general idea from the text, you can apply the reading for gist or skimming subskill. If you need to find specific information such as dates or names, you can apply scanning in order to find the information that you are interested in. Other reading subskills that we can use are reading for detail/intensive reading (meaning of every word), inferring (interpreting the opinion of the writer), deducing meaning from context (thinking about the situation that the word is been used in), and predicting (using giving clues to get the main idea from the text).
The most important thing that I would teach to my students in class is to have reading fluency. According to Kamei and Ansari, (2015) “A student who is a fluent reader is able to orally read connected text accurately and automatically with appropriate prosody, or natural expression”. So that means if students become fluent readers, they will also develop higher thinking skills.
Jones, D. (2016). Painless reading comprehension Retrieved from ProQuest Ebook Central: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uta-ebooks/reader.action?ppg=1&docID=4544690&tm=1524139873824

Kamei-Hannan, C. & Ricci, L.  (2015). Reading connections : strategies for teaching students with visual impairments Retrieved from ProQuest Ebook Central: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uta-ebooks/reader.action?ppg=175&docID=4727804&tm=1524139996220

Lipthratt, B. (2017, March 5th). What Makes a Good reader? [Video file] Retrieved from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTD3mQs6O4A


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