Unit 9 Motivation

Motivation is the engine what makes us want to do something when it comes to learning a language, motivation plays an important role in the process. But, is motivation enough to make students learn English or any new language? Nowadays, most students are irresponsible; they don’t attend to classes, nor practice what they have learned at school (Mendler, 2000).
I learned that there are some factors influencing students’ motivation. Firstly, there will be people who want to learn a language to get a new job or to apply to higher education programs. Secondly, the previous interest in the target language culture can also make a person interested in learning, whether to read books or to watch movies in that language.
As a teacher, I would motivate my students creating good rapport in order to engage them in the learning process. Many teachers have different intentions when it comes to motivating students; some of them really want students to learn the language, and others just want to make students complete a coursebook (Jackson, 2011).
Mendler, A. (2000) Motivating Students Who Don't Care: Successful Techniques for Educators, Solution Tree Retrieved from ProQuest Ebook Central: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uta-ebooks/detail.action?docID=3404877.

Jackson, R.R. (2011) How to Motivate Reluctant Learners, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development. Retrieved from ProQuest Ebook Central: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uta-ebooks/detail.action?docID=726811.

Gabby Wallace - Go Natural English . (2014, November 29th) How to Stay Motivated to Learn English [Video file] Retrieved from YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNDcyUI3e7Q


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